The widespread adoption and use of mobile technologies is opening new and innovative ways to improve health and health care delivery. Mobile applications can help people manage their own health and wellness, promote healthy living, and gain access to useful information when and where they need it. These tools are being adopted almost as quickly as they can be developed. According to industry estimates, 500 million smartphone users worldwide will be using a health care application by 2015, and by 2018, 50 percent of the more than 3.4 billion smartphone and tablet users will have downloaded mobile health applications (http://www.research2guidance.com/500m-people-will -be-using-healthcare-mobile-applications-in-2015/). These users include health care professionals, consumers, and patients.
Health and wellness thus are hot topics right now for both businesses and individuals. A growing number of health and wellness apps aim to empower smartphone users to change their behaviors and to manage their own health conditions. Taking a note from this trend, Media Idee has helped Fibre7 develop Pakistan’s first health and wellness App “Wellness Expert” starring Yogi Wajahat. This app will allow individuals to take control of their own health and wellness program.
The Fibre7 Health & Fitness app for Android and iOS is the one-stop spot for people interested in living a healthier life, combining the best hatha yoga exercise and workout videos, a nutritional reference, and pose library along with advice for diet, exercise and health to help individuals meet their wellness goals.
“Media Idee is honored to have been selected for the development of the Pfizer Pakistan Fibre7 Wellness Expert App” said Umair Mohsin, Director Digital. “Because it’s both interactive and informative, the Health & Fitness app delivers a really useful and engaging experience.”